Senior Gold Belt 7th kyu to Purple Belt 6th kyu
Jumping Jacks, Burpees, Karate Side to Side Leg Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Sit-Ups or Crunches, Push-ups, Jog in place.
Please note that inside and outside chest blocks can be referred to from the person’s perspective doing the technique, so that a technique coming from my outside toward my center or spine is an inside block from my perspective and could be thought of as an outside block from the viewer’s perspective. I like thinking in terms of outside to inside (inside chest block) and inside to outside (regular chest block). Traditionally the outside block will be described from the starting point, outside to the inside and inside to the outside (regular windshield wiper block).
Additionally, we have gotten in the habit of describing a same arm and leg technique like a punch a lunge punch and an opposite arm and leg technique as a reverse punch. Blocks and strikes can be described and ordered inside to outside, outside to inside and same arm and leg and opposite arm and leg (reverse). In boxing same arm and leg is a jab and opposite arm and leg a cross punch. Fighting is more fluent with movements going from one to another and can be thought of as circular. In your training they are broken down visually and verbally to help teach, organize and map it out. With your legs neutral (not one leg forward or back) as in a fighting stance there would be no distinction for the lunge or reverse punch, it would be just punches. Only when you start to step or are in a stance with one leg in front would those terms apply.
The point is don’t let variations in form and practice confuse you. Think through it for yourself. Eventually you want to get as spontaneous and fluent in your stances and hand and foot combinations as you can.
Hook Stance, Inside and Outside Blocks, Square Block/see bunkai first moves, Shuto Block/Strikes and Nukite from Pinan Shodan, Augmented Block, Spear Hand Strike, Roundhouse Kick (roundhouse, reverse roundhouse or hook kick and side kick demonstrated).
Pinan Shodan Primary Kata
Okinawan Perform Pinan Shodan with Bunkai
Pinan Nidan Secondary Kata