B6. Junior Purple Belt 6th kyu to Green Belt 5th kyu

A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action.

-Lao Tzu

B6. Junior Purple Belt 6th kyu to Green Belt 5th kyu

FMAA Purple to Green Junior Student Manual_2015v0126_MV

Jumping Jacks, Burpees, Karate Side to Side Leg Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Sit-Ups or Crunches, Push-ups, Jog in place.

Double Block (Middle/Low), Some Elbow Blocks and/or Strikes & Another Look at Elbow StikesBack Fist (main fist striking area is the back of the two large knuckles of the index and middle finger), Chase Punch, Spinning Back Kick and Spinning Back Jump Kick.

Two Hand Front Choke Defense Before (before they grab your throat is a double arm block, weight shifts, timing and distance are key skills to develop, box the ears or double chop the neck grab the head and knee to the head, groin or chest). Two Hand Front Choke After they have your throat and or you are against a wall. And here using the snake defense against a two hand choke.

Pinan Sandan

Okinawan Perform Pinan Shodan with Bunkai

Matsubayashi Ananku Sho (Bonus Kata)

Additional Material:

Review of Basic Block and Counters

Papa Jules adding Elbows to the mix teaching the Papa Joe Fighting System.

Push Drill (Please note that weight shifting and foot work are keys to transfering power from the ground up, from the legs to the arms).